Colorado Association of REALTORS | CAR Candidate Forum
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CAR Candidate Forum

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Voting will begin on Monday, June 3rd and end Wednesday, June 5th at 5:00pm. Voting Directors will be emailed their ballot.

CAR Leadership Election Candidates

Please find below the REALTOR® members running for elected positions for 2024. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Please click on the candidate’s name to expand their section to learn more about them. Their section can also be reduced by clicking on their name a second time. If a candidate’s section is empty, it is because CAR does not have further campaign materials to share.


Sunny Banka

Sunny Banka

Video from Sunny


I am a leader who understands the challenges and opportunities facing the real estate industry.  I am an experienced Realtor having been licensed since 1980.  I have seen many changes over the past 44 years and know that I would be a committed leader for the Colorado Association of Realtors.


I bring over four decades of experience in the real estate industry, giving me a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of my fellow Realtors across Colorado. As a seasoned Realtor I have navigated various market conditions and changes, demonstrating adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges.


I am committed to focusing on the future of the Realtor organization and the real estate industry in Colorado by looking to innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.  I have strong desire to make sure that this industry is a great business for future generations of Realtors, Leaders, home buyers and sellers.  I will make it my mission to ensure that Colorado Realtors find value and stay ahead of the curve.


I am dedicated to advocating for the interests of Realtors and our homeowners at the local, state and national levels.  I firmly believe that Advocacy is a significant part of the value that the Realtor organization provides.  I am not aware of any other organization that works as hard as the Realtors for fair regulations and policies that promote homeownership and protection of our Realtor membership. I have had the opportunity to serve on the Legislative Policy Committee for over 20 years.  I have given testimony on numerous issues over the past 20 years, including water, carbon monoxide detectors, commission issues, and landlord tenant issues.  I have served on CARPAC as a trustee and the chair.  I was also honored by President Natalie Davis to serve as her Governmental Division Vice President on the leadership Council.   You can trust that I will continue to step up and work to protect your interests.  I also serve as a volunteer on the Aurora Planning Commission as an appointed commissioner, I continue to serve on the Citizens Advisory Budget Committee for the City of Aurora, a position that I have been appointed to by the past five Aurora Mayors.


I have a proven tract record of leadership, having served in various roles within the real estate community, including Chair of the Aurora Assoc. of Realtors in 1996 and 2016, CAR Treasurer, CAR Member Services Division Chair, and CAR Governmental Affairs Division Chair.  I have also served on numerous committees including member services, finance, LPC, CARPAC, and I continue to serve as a spokesperson for the Colorado Association of Realtors.


I am actively engaged in the community serving as the Governmental Affairs vice chair for the Chamber of Commerce. I have served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Leadership Aurora BOD and currently serve on the Emerging leaders board for the Aurora Chamber.  As mentioned previously, I am very involved in several areas of the City of Aurora and have a proven track record of bringing people together.  I also serve in my Church working with the teenagers. I have a strong commitment to making a positive impact beyond the realm of real estate.

Currently I serve in the various capacities:

For the South Metro Denver Realtor Assoc.: CAR Director, RPAC Chair, Governmental Affairs Committee,  Statistics Committee

For the Colorado Association of Realtors: LPC, Finance Committee, CAR Director, Spokesperson

For the National Association of Realtors: Legal and Risk Management Committee Member

City of Aurora: Planning Commissioner, Citizens Advisory Budget Committee member

Aurora Chamber of Commerce: Vice Chair Governmental Affairs, Emerging Leader Board Member

Residential Real Estate Council: State Leadership Team – Membership.

Kaplan Real Estate School: Instructor

I will lead the Colorado Association of Realtors with integrity, inclusivity, and Vision.

I would be honored to earn your vote for Colorado Association of Realtors President Elect.

Molly Eldridge



After many years of service, I am excited to ask for your vote to be your 2025 CAR President-Elect.  My parents were Realtors, and I honestly didn’t think I would follow in their footsteps.  When I decided to get my license in 2006, I soon discovered that this career allowed me to do several things that I am good at and enjoy – serve others, solve problems, find answers and spend time in great properties!  When I was asked to get involved in my local association in 2010, little did I know this would be the start of another important part of my life.

While we cannot know what the future will bring, right now my main focuses are:

  1. Work to create a plan for CAR to continue to offer value to the members as membership declines while continuing to be fiscally responsible.
  2. Spread the word about the value of being a Realtor to existing members and licensees. Continue and expand the outreach programs that are going brokerages and other events in order to reach those who may not attend association events as well as supporting and attending local association events.  Focus on professionalism and competency across the state.
  3. Be a positive voice to the consumer about “Who We R” and what we do for our clients and in our communities. Expand the PR programs to get the information out and help local associations do the same as wanted/needed.



My leadership experience is long and varied.  At CAR I have served on many committees and PAGS in addition to being the Mountain District Chair, Member Services Chair (2 years), and RPAC Co-Chair (2 years).  Currently I am an NAR director, CARPAC Trustee, Finance Committee Member, Professional Standards Committee Member and Strategic Thinking Committee Member.  For NAR, I am currently the Small Board Forum Vice-Chair and on the Local Leadership Idea Exchange Council.  I am also a Colorado Representative on the Region XI Strategy Committee.  I have been on  NAR committees since 2017.  I also continue to serve my local board (Gunnison – Crested Butte Association of Realtors) as the RPAC Chair.  I am an RPAC Golden R and am proud to have helped take my local board from low RPAC participation to Triple Crown for the last 3 years.



There are many different types of Realtors and different types of markets that we all work in.  It is important for a leader to be empathetic to what others are going through even if it is different from their own situation.  As an organization with 26,000 members across a large state, this is even more important.  As CAR works to provide value to all members, we cannot assume that we know what the issues are and need to listen with empathy and respect to do our best to have good information.



I love the Realtor family and think what we do is important and underappreciated.  Realtors are some of the best people I know.  It is also clear that there are licensees and Realtors who are not representative of who we are as a group.  The focus on professionalism and competency should be a major concern and focus for us as a group and individually.



As Realtors, we spend a lot of our time solving problems.  It is important to look at all sides, gather information and work towards a solution.  I pride myself on doing this in my transactions and helping the agents in my office through issues that arise for them as well.  Our industry is facing some problems, and this isn’t the first time.  We have gotten through issues before by working together, bringing parties to the table and coming up with solutions.



Leadership is not about taking the credit, but finding the right people for each position, listening to them and letting them do what they do best.  I am also not afraid to dig in and do what needs to be done.  CAR has a great set up for teamwork with the Leadership Council, Committees, PAGs and the Board of Directors.  I have witnessed great things coming to fruition from all levels and look forward to continuing this tradition.

I hope this gives you some insight into who I am and what I will do for you if elected.  Feel free to reach out with questions or to talk more.  I look forward to serving and ask for your vote.


Thank you,

Molly Eldridge, (970) 209-4234


Aline Pitney

Aline Pitney

My name is Aline Pitney, and I am eager to be considered for a second term as Treasurer of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® for the year 2025. I view this position as a continuous learning opportunity, and having fulfilled the responsibilities of Treasurer for several months, I am enthusiastic about extending this journey for another year.

Amidst the current turbulence within our industry, there’s understandable concern among REALTORS® across our state and nationwide. Questions about the future operation of our businesses, the lasting effects of recent developments on our daily roles as REALTORS®, and the potential impact on our membership in CAR and local associations abound. While definitive answers to these questions remain elusive, I pledge to be a stabilizing and optimistic presence within our leadership team. Collaboration enables us to achieve remarkable feats, and now more than ever, amidst the uncertainty in our industry, is the time for concerted fact-finding and fostering stability.

John C. Maxwell aptly remarked about leaders, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” My journey into the industry, and into leadership, has been short yet fulfilling and life-changing. I became a REALTOR® as a second career, starting my journey in August 2021. I got involved in the Women’s Council of REALTORS® and the Denver Metro Association of REALTORS® almost immediately, and I almost immediately dove into leadership within the industry. I am currently President of the Women’s Council of REALTORS® North Metro Denver network, and I serve as chair of the CAR Finance and Investment Committees as well as ex-officio member of CAR Foundation, and as a member of the Diversity & Inclusion and Professional Standards Committee. In my local association, I serve on the DMAR Gives Committee, a subsidiary of the CAR Foundation. I have been and will continue to be a leader who not only knows the way but also actively traverses it, guiding others

along the path. Integrity is paramount to me, and I am committed to leading with the utmost integrity.

My background in finance is extensive, having spent six years at a financial firm prior to becoming a REALTOR®. I worked on bookkeeping, estate planning, tax preparation, and asset management for high-net-worth clients. As the current CAR Treasurer, I have worked with CAR staff, particularly Jen Carey, delving deep into our association’s financial operations. CAR staff has demonstrated unwavering dedication in fostering stability amid the upheaval. If re-elected, I will continue to collaborate tirelessly with CAR staff to ensure transparent and concise communication between leadership and our membership regarding the financial well-being of our association.

I am thrilled to continue serving as CAR Treasurer, and it would be a tremendous honor to receive your vote for re-election. My tenure thus far has been incredibly enlightening, and I am eager to further contribute in 2025. Serving in 2024 has been a privilege, and I humbly request your support for the position of 2025 CAR Treasurer.

Aline Pitney REALTOR®

Westwater Realty

(303) 350-7570

Metro District Vice President

Lynn Snyder Goetz


Video From Lynn


Having grown up in a Real estate family I decided to get my license 20 years ago after a career in corporate America and in Leadership in the direct selling industry for 25 years. I hung up my license with Keller Williams DTC and have spent my entire Real Estate career helping build and support that ofice. I started serving as a board Director with the South Metro Denver Realtor association in 2008 and served as Chairman in 2016-17. I have served two terms as CAR director and on numerous committees including finance, CARBS, and this year the Strategic Thinking Committee. I am also the 2024 President of the Builder Realty Council.

Collaboration among Realtors every day is what is required in our profession to get our clients to the closing table. It is no diferent as a single agent than it is for a Realtor Organization. Whether we are a DMAR member, Mountain Metro or SMDRA it takes and will continue to take all our collaboration to maintain and grow the Realtor brand. One of my strengths is the ability to bring the team together, create consensus and advance the cause. This year and for the next few, we Realtors will be the ones shaping our industry and determining our path forward to success. I would like to lead that charge for the Metro District with positive thoughts that creativity, professionalism and collaboration will build a foundation that supports our Realtor members for years to come.

Vote for me, Lynn Snyder Goetz, for Metro District VP elect for 2024 Thank you!

Mountain District Vice President

Kiplynn Smith

Kiplynn Smith:

Northeast District Vice President

Breeyan Edwards

Breeyan Edwards-300x360-1

Breeyan Edwards:

Breeyan Edwards is a proud Estes Park native and has deep roots in Northern Colorado, where she has built her life and career. Graduating from Colorado State University in 2002, her expertise spans financial services, hospitality, and now real estate—a natural evolution allowing her to utilize her skills in customer service, analysis, and creative problem-solving.

As a dedicated real estate professional, Breeyan holds integrity, advocacy, and community impact at the forefront of her endeavors. Her expertise lies in gathering information, offering sound advice and implementing forward-thinking solutions. Breeyan has served on her local Estes Valley Board of REALTORS since 2019 and will be completing her local presidency in October of 2024.

Over the last five years, Breeyan has discovered a true passion for serving her colleagues and advancing the real estate industry. She believes that we should never stop learning and growing and looks forward to the challenge in continuing her leadership journey as your incoming Northeast District VP-elect.

Southeast District Vice President

Marlene Berrier

Marlene Berrier:

Western District Vice President

Thomas Barkozy II

Thomas Barkozy II:

NAR Directors

Matthew Hintermeister


Matthew Hintermeister:

Robert Walkowicz


Robert Walkowicz:

Jason Witt


Jason Witt: