Capitol Connection: March 28, 2014
HB 1136 Passes the Senate on Third Reading
CAR sponsored HB14-1136, Concerning exempting a continuing professional education program that is approved by a state professional licensing board from regulation by the division of private occupational schools in the department of higher education, passed third reading in the Senate and is waiting for the Governor’s signature. CAR is running this piece of legislation due to a bill from last year that removed our exemption that enabled local boards and CAR to provide continuing education to non-members. This bill would restore our ability to provide continuing education to non-member licensees and other industry professionals.
SB 157 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Commission Report Value US Military Activities
The LPC voted to SUPPORT SB14-157, Concerning the Commission of a Report by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs that Examines the Comprehensive Value of United States Military Activities Centered in Colorado. This bill requires the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for an outside contractor to prepare a report demonstrating to policymakers in the federal Department of Defense (DOD) the strategic and economic advantages of maintaining and expanding military missions, defense spending, and defense-related investment in Colorado. The DMVA may consult with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) to prepare the RFP and select a contractor.
Military bases are fundamental to many communities in Colorado. Twenty six other states have completed similar studies in order to be prepared if any of their bases are put on the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) list. This study would enable Colorado to definitively document the economic impact and benefits that our many military bases have on the state.
Construction Defects Testimonials
We are asking anyone with stories or testimonials regarding construction defects issues with purchasing condominiums to please contact us as soon as possible. If you have a buyer who has been looking for a condo in a certain area, or near transit, but got pushed away to get within their price range, we’d like to hear about it. There have also been claims that millennials are not interested in buying, so if you have any instances disputing this, we’d like to hear about it. Basically, any instance where your buyer or seller has had any issues with condominium financing or refinancing, selling, purchasing, etc. please email [email protected] with these stories. In addition, please note if you or your client are interested in testifying on impending legislation regarding construction defects. We are hoping to compile these stories by Friday, April 5th.
View the CAR Mid-Session Legislative Update Webcast
REALTORS® are hard at work every day promoting home ownership and protecting your interests at our State Capitol. Join us for a review of the critical issues having an impact on the real estate industry this Spring. Please view a recorded presentation of the webcast here.
CFPB Listens to NAR on 3-Day Wait
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has listened to NAR in producing the new RESPA/TILA rule. NAR had argued that CFPB shouldn’t fundamentally change the settlement process by implementing a broad three-day waiting period when there are changes to the closing disclosure. The CFPB has essentially maintained the TILA aspects of the three-day period. Get the details here.
NAR Submits Comments on Loan Limits
On March 20, 2014, NAR President Steve Brown submitted comments on the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s request for information on lowering the loan purchase limits for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Read Brown’s comments here.
Register Now for REALTOR® Party Convention
NAR’s Midyear Meetings have been renamed the “REALTOR® Party Convention and Trade Expo”. Registration—which is free for members—is now open for the REALTOR® Party Convention & Trade Expo May 12-17, 2014, in Washington, D.C. For registration or more details, click here.
GRAB THE APP! Download the REALTOR® Action Center Mobile App
The REALTOR® Action Center mobile app is now available for download for the iPhone and DROID. Simply search for NAR Action Center in your respective app markets. This app is designed to help members Vote, Act and Invest on the go. It will help you increase your state and local Federal Call for Action participation rates, allow members a quick and efficient way to invest in RPAC, and provide you a way to track your REALTOR® Party activities and so much more.