Colorado Association of REALTORS | With Gratitude…
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With Gratitude…

Dec 03 2019

With Gratitude…

The holiday season is a time of the year when many express gratitude. The Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR) Team wants to express our deep appreciation and thankfulness to all of our state association volunteers for helping pave the way to where we currently are and for a brighter future.

You see, CAR was founded in 1921 by volunteers who in turn, worked hard to recruit others volunteers to promote the real estate profession and foster professional behavior in its members. CAR leadership today is echoing what our founding leaders believed even then- great volunteers are the foundation for sustainable Associations and each volunteer has the responsibility to “find and groom their replacement.” 

Ok, I added the groom part, but who is else would be a better mentor than the person who asked you to get involved?

CAR has been very fortunate that at its core are volunteers who continue to live out our purpose which has evolved to “making REALTORS® more successful and protecting the real estate industry.”

We all know the journey of servitude is not always easy, but it really highlights what Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”  Raise your hand if you benefited from serving others or should I say, “knock on wood if you are with me!”

We have made great strides at CAR again this year operationally, politically, financially and administratively serving over 26,700 Colorado REALTORS® and the communities in which they live, work and play, because of volunteers like you.

Evidence of this was just shared at the CAR Fall Forum with attendees and can also be found in the reports from each division in this newsletter and in MemberFuse. You can also go to to learn more about all of the things CAR is doing for its members and Colorado communities.  

From the CAR Team to each of you thank you again for your service and we wish you and your families a safe and joyous holiday season!

In gratitude,

Tyrone Adams headshot

Tyrone Adams, President & CEO

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