What CAR Is Doing for You During these Difficult Times
Here at CAR, we will continue to emphasize our member experience philosophy by providing additional opportunities that will help Colorado REALTORS® navigate the business environment created by the coronavirus and its unprecedented impact on all of our lives.
Currently we are exploring additional member opportunities such as:
Expanded Legal Hotline Availability: In response to the overwhelming call demand for the CAR Legal Hotline, beginning Monday, March 23, the Legal Hotline will be available for extended hours (8 am – 4 pm) through Friday, April 3, 2020. This additional 2 hours/day of Hotline availability will provide Colorado REALTORS® with expanded access to qualified real estate attorneys as they navigate the unique challenges currently impacting real estate transactions. Access the CAR Legal Hotline
Continued Legal Bites on Coronavirus-related issues: During this volatile time, CAR will continue to actively produce CAR Legal Bites with a focus on the emerging and fluid issues related to COVID-19 and its impact on Colorado real estate transactions. See Legal Bites Episode #51: Covid 19 and Real Estate Transactions.
Your GA team continues to work on state/federal issues caused by the pandemic: We are working with industry stakeholders on a variety of emergency issues to enable our members to continue their business operations as much as possible. The issues at the forefront today include necessary state and federal authorization to process real estate transactions on-line, and protection of property owners in light of the movement to temporarily suspend evictions and any hardship that would create for mortgage payments or cause potential future foreclosures.
Policy Engagement: The GATeam is working on doing more educational virtual content on policy issues at the Federal and State level to continue our engagement with Members about the stimulus package, legislative issues and potential updates on the budget, and sharing good research on housing issues for our members.
RPAC: GA is consulting CAR members of RPAC leadership and other states about best practices for the evolution of RPAC fundraising events, virtual content to engage members, and considering what is appropriate during this remote period to ensure we are sensitive to member concerns while we also seek guidance from NAR on any potential changes to RPAC goals for fundraising.
LPC/CARPAC: All meetings are virtual, and we will continue to keep track of what the legislature is doing while they are out and when they reconvene in addition to keeping track of statewide ballot issues. Any local requests for funding can follow the established timelines as all those funds are approved via teleconference.
Other potential new offerings:
CAR is looking at the possibility of holding an online live Legal Hotline/Risk Management virtual chat where members can have their questions answered in real time.
Your Government Affairs team is looking at the possibility of holding virtual town hall meetings in lieu of us missing our Hill Visits this year. Please stay tuned for more information on these additions to our member benefits
We will continue to update all Colorado REALTORS® and local associations as needed on new developments.
Please visit CAR’s Coronavirus Information Portal for additional resources and information about NAR and CAR updates, information, and resources.