Colorado Association of REALTORS | From the Chair: Thank You
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From the Chair: Thank You

Nov 13 2020

From the Chair: Thank You

By Janene Johnson, 2020 Chair of the Colorado Association of REALTORS®

What a year we have had! When I ran for the position of Chair-elect back in 2018, I could never have foreseen what the future held.  While 2020 has been challenging and terrifying, it has also been productive and given us insight as to what the Association can accomplish when met with adversity. Last month during Fall Forum, I said I wouldn’t have traded being the Chair in this crazy year for anything and I truly meant it.

The fact that our staff and volunteers managed to turn the in-person Spring Summit into a full virtual event with only about 15 days’ notice was miraculous. Through- out the pandemic, we have been so sad not to be able to meet in person, but please know that as soon as it is safe we will make sure to have more events and meetings   in person. There have been some wonderful unintended consequences to the Stay- At-Home and Safer-At-Home health orders. During these virtual events, many more members than average have attended. It seems that we have been able to reach more members with valuable information.

The value of RPAC contributions has become much more evident as our Government Affairs team continues to strengthen our position as the voice of real estate in Colorado. The Attorney General’s office and the Governor’s office both reached out to CAR to assist with understanding the vital role real estate plays in the state’s economy, especially during the Safe-At-Home and Safer-At-Home restrictions. Plus, this being an election year, the Government Affairs team helped all of us with the vetting of candidates, explaining the pros and cons of various ballot issues, and provided funding for issues that need our support for the benefit of the industry.

A group of dedicated members also helped us to rewrite our Strategic Plan that will be in place for the next several years. It used our existing plan and, with the help of a phenomenal facilitator, we were able to create a road map that will help us to navigate the ever-changing world in which we live.

Member Services continues to be very busy and a task force is working diligently on the 100 Year Celebration that will take place in fall 2021 at The Broadmoor. I know we’re all excited to go back to that wonderful hotel for our big celebration. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee, our newest committee, is working hard to ensure all voices across the state are heard in the real estate industry. The Legal and Risk Division is always striving to ensure our members have the latest up-to-date information and that we continually raise the bar in professionalism. Thank you especially to Legal Counsel Scott Peterson for the amazing Legal Bites over the last seven months.

The CAR Foundation has been busy trying to not only grant additional monies this year as a result of the pandemic, $350,000 to be exact, but now also is trying to figure out ways to help those in need due to the recent wildfires. Please don’t forget that Colorado Gives Day is coming up on December 8th and our Foundation could really use your generosity!

The 2020 Leadership Council has worked very hard all year and even though meetings and events were held virtually, I feel this Council has done an amazing job in keeping everyone informed and engaged.  Thank you to all the members who are not only in leadership roles, but those who work tirelessly to make us all successful in this industry. Finally, I want to send a very heartfelt and clear message of thanks and gratitude to the CAR staff. Limited space in this article prohibits me from mentioning them all by name, but all of you are so appreciated; there aren’t enough words. As I said in my Fall Forum year-end summary, none of this would be possible without all of you, from CEO Tyrone Adams to everyone on staff. Thank you!

I’ve been extremely proud to be your 2020 Chair of the Colorado Association of REALTORS®. I appreciate your support through this tough time and I am hoping that 2021 will see even more success and engagement in the Association that I love so much. Thank you everyone!

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