Colorado Association of REALTORS | Capitol Connection – February 7, 2023
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Capitol Connection – February 7, 2023

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Feb 07 2023

Capitol Connection – February 7, 2023

Legislative Advocacy this Week at the State Capitol

We are in the second month of the legislative session and more bills are expected to be introduced. 

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® is acting on more bills that impact the real estate industry from rent control, unfair service agreements, to landlord-tenant legislation. CAR® continues to be at the forefront of political advocacy to ensure legislation is free of regulatory burdens that impact the ability to buy or rent real estate. Colorado REALTORS® work hard to find the opportunities that make our state a better place to live, work, and play.

Bill Updates

SB23-077 Restrictions on Broker Engagement Contracts – Sponsored by Senator Nick Hinrichsen (SD-03)

Property owners are entering certain broker service agreements without expressly knowing they would be mandated to a 40-year exclusive right-to-list. This model is harmful to consumers because the business practice focuses on supposedly providing quick financial assistance to homeowners with a cash payment between $300 to $5,000, based on home appraisal value, through a memorandum of understanding filed with the County Treasurer’s office. Homeowners face stiff financial penalties including legal action if they violate the terms of the agreement. The contract also limits a homeowner’s ability to access their home equity or refinance their property.

CAR is proud to bring forth legislation to address and prevent this issue from proliferating any further. Specifically, Senate Bill 77 will prohibit broker contracts from including excessively timely listing agreements that create property liens that affect current and future homeowners. CAR will advocate strongly to ensure homeowners and the profession are protected against such contracts. The bill will be heard in the Senate Local Government Committee on February 14th at 2pm. 

HB23-1099 – Portable Screening Report for Residential Leases – Sponsored by Reps. Stephanie Vigil (HD-16) and Mike Weissman (HD-36), and Senators Rhonda Fields (HD-28) and Tony Exum (HD-11)

The bill requires landlords to accept portable screening reports provided by prospective tenants. Details in the report include the prospective tenant’s identity, employment, and income as well as rental, credit, and criminal history.

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® opposes this bill because real property owners should be able to screen using criteria that best fits their needs, get accurate information free of bias, and charge for labor involved in reviewing reports. The bill is scheduled to be heard in the House Business Affairs & Labor Committee on February 8th upon adjournment.

HB23-1096– Wildfire Resilient Homes – Sponsored by Rep. Marc Snyder (HD-18)

The Forest Service is directed to promote building codes and methods that increase a residential property’s resiliency to wildfire. This bill expands the uses for grant funds in the Wildfire Mitigation Resources and Best Practices Grant Program by allowing grant recipients to spend their grant award amount on programming and education to property owners located in high-risk areas on best building and rebuilding practices.

CAR proudly supports legislation that expands the ability of property owners to mitigate their properties to protect life and their home. The bill will be heard in the House Agriculture, Water and Natural Resources Committee on February 13th. 

In Case You Missed It

National Association of Realtors® CEO Bob Goldberg and NAR’s leadership team and staff join in mourning after the passing of NAR’s 2023 Vice President of Association Affairs, Margo Wheeler. A Realtor® from Tacoma, Wash., Wheeler was a veteran of the United States Army and served as president of the Washington Realtors® in 2017.

NAR Statement on Passing of Margo Wheeler

The National Association of Realtors® announced today that it is accepting applications for the 2023 Good Neighbor Awards. The program recognizes Realtors® who have made an extraordinary impact in their communities through volunteer service.

NAR Calls on Realtors® Who Give Back to Apply for the 2023 Good Neighbor Awards

RPAC Announcements

Don’t miss the chance to participate in our RPAC Raffle! Drawing will take place on February 8th – purchase your tickets now, before it’s too late!


$500 Amazon Gift Card

$300 Airline Gift Card (of your choice)

$100 Visa Gift Card

How to Play:

Click the link below to purchase your ticket(s)

$100 = 1 Ticket

$300 + Pledging to be a 2023 Major Investor = 5 Tickets



Need a refresh on all things RPAC?

Join us for a virtual RPAC Training (Feb. 15th OR Feb. 17th). We will be going over the Who/What/Why of RPAC, how to fundraise, where your RPAC dollars are going and more! Email Kerrianne, [email protected] to sign up! 

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