More than 80% of CAR-endorsed Candidates Won Primary Races
The Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR) realized a better than 80% win-rate for candidates who earned a CAR endorsement, with 13 of the 16 CAR-endorsed candidates winning their respective races in the Colorado primaries on June 25.
“Colorado deserves policy and decision makers committed to solving our housing crisis and helping Coloradans achieve the American Dream of homeownership,” said Janene Johnson, Chair of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee (CARPAC). “We endorsed General Assembly candidates who share our values in helping and protecting Coloradans across homeownership issues, building strong communities, protecting private property rights, and promoting a vibrant economic future for all Coloradans.”
The list of CAR-endorsed candidates who won their primary races includes:
SD 2 – Rep. Lisa Frizell (R)
SD 10 – Sen. Larry Liston (R)
SD 19 – Rep. Lindsey Daugherty (D)
SD 23 – Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer (R)
HD 4 – Cecelia Espenoza (D)
HD 6 – Sean Camacho (D)
HD 20 – Jarvis Caldwell (R)
HD 21 – Rep. Mary Bradfield (R)
HD 30 – Rebekah Stewart (D)
HD 31 – Jacque Phillips (D)
HD 36 – Michael Carter (D)
HD 45 – Max Brooks (R)
HD 65 – Lori Garcia Sander (R)
The Association and its members believe that every Coloradan who aspires to own a home should have the opportunity and a pathway to do so. A thriving real estate market is also critical to the health and vitality of our communities. Unfortunately, Colorado is still facing a shortfall of more than 100,000 homes and apartments, the second worst deficit of any state after California, according to Up for Growth.
“CAR believes every individual should have accessible, attainable, and available housing,” said CAR President Jason Witt. “Our communities benefit significantly from home ownership as, of course, do the individuals and families who can achieve positive impacts for generations to come by building generational wealth.”