Colorado Association of REALTORS | About CAR
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About CAR

Knowledge Happens Here

Who We Are

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® is the state’s largest professional, voluntary, non-profit, real estate trade association that is dedicated to serving more than 26,000 REALTOR® members across the state. These agents are also members of 28 local associations statewide and the National Association of REALTORS®.

Meet CAR Leadership

Mission statement:

” To be the collective voice for real estate and consumer property rights, and to advance Colorado REALTORS® as industry leaders in knowledge, ethics, and professionalism.”


Vision statement:

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® advances opportunities for property ownership for all Coloradans and positions REALTORS® as trusted real estate advisors and community advocates.

CAR's Value Proposition Flyer

How to Join CAR

All Colorado Association of REALTORS® members join through a local association or board. By joining a local REALTOR® organization, members also gain membership in the Colorado Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®.

Become a Colorado REALTOR®

Thank you for your commitment to making a difference in Colorado’s real estate industry and your dedication to Colorado REALTORS®!

CAR Past Presidents & Chairs

2024    Jason Witt, Four Corners

2023    Natalie Davis, Greenwood Village

2022     Matthew Hintermeister, Telluride

2021      Robert Walkowicz, Loveland

2020      Janene Johnson, Winter Park

2019      Justin Knoll, Denver

2018      Ann Hayes, Grand Junction

2017      Mark Trenka, Denver

2016      Alan Lovitt, Colorado Springs

2015       David Barber, Aurora

2014       Jolon Ruch, Westminster

2013      Keith Kanemoto, Longmont

2012       Scott Matthias, Highlands Ranch

2011       Randy Reynolds, Colorado Springs

2010      George Harvey, Telluride

2009       Amy Dorsey, Vail

2008       Greg Zadel, Firestone

2007      Kit Cowperthwaite, Denver

2006       Michael Labout, Colorado Springs

2005       Jim Rhoades, Fort Collins

2004      Bob Brown, Aurora

2003       Kay Watson, Littleton

2002       Vicki Burns, Craig

2001      Tom Schack, Lakewood

2000       Dennis Johnson, Breckenridge

1999       Gary Glenn, Winter Park

1998      Bruce Wolf, Littleton

1997       Wally Armistead, Longmont

1996       Sandi Zimmerman, Castle Rock

1995      Kevin Cook, Berthoud

1994       Chris McElroy, Fort Collins

1993       John Wendt III, Delta

1992      Gus Williams, Fort Collins

1991       Gary Jarrett, Evergreen

1990       Richard W. Berger, Durango

1989      Boyd Adsit, Lakewood

1988       Mary Ellen Marx, Englewood

1987       Ron Myles, Denver

1986      Gail Lyons, Boulder

1985       Don Harlan, Denver

1984       Janet Scavo, Denver

1983      Tom Martin, Colorado Springs

1982       Ted Bryant, Lakewood

1981       H. Lindell, Fort Collins

1980      Kenneth Reyhons, Colorado Springs

1979       Virgil Dickman, Englewood

1978       James Gale, Grand Junction

1977       Chester Grubin, Arvada

1976       C.V. LeForce, Aurora

1975       William Moore, Denver

1974       Kenneth Weedin, Loveland

1973       C.G. Cozart, Denver

1972       James Berger, Colorado Springs

1971        John Hasselblad, Denver

1970       F.W. “Bill” Haver, Pueblo

1969       Daniel Clinger, Denver

1968       Charles L. Rhoades, Fort Collins

1967       Joseph B. Toole, Colorado Springs

1966       J. Chalmers Ewing, Denver

1965       W.R. Bray, Grand Junction

1964       Henry Kirkpatrick, Denver

1963       Robert T. Havere, Pueblo

1962       Wayne D. Phipps, Boulder

1961       Robert Smidl, Littleton

1960       Frank Smith, Fort Morgan

1959       James Knox, Denver

1958       Donald Weidman, Colorado Springs

1957       Harold J. Hurt, Denver

1956       Edward Kaufman, Pueblo

1955       L.L. McHone, Colorado Springs

1954       Sam Russell, Denver

1953       John R.P. Wheeler, Greeley

1952       L.C. Fulenwider, Denver

1951       M.S. Anderson, Greeley

1950       Richard Leach, Pueblo

1949       E.W. Ambrose, Denver

1948       Thomas J. Downen, Pueblo

1947       Watson A. Bowles, Denver

1946       Damian P. Ducy, Pueblo

1945       N.A. Eyer, Colorado Springs

1944       W. Max Moore, Denver

1943       B.V. Ruppel, Pueblo

1942       Van Holt Garrett, Denver

1941       F.G. Martinez, Fort Collins

1940       Floyd S. Padgett, Colorado Springs

1939       L.C. Fulenwider, Denver

1938       Frank R. Holloran, Pueblo

1937       N.K. Bickford, Lamar

1936       D.C. Burns, Denver

1935       Charles H. Woods, Estes Park

1934       R.E. Johnson, Colorado Springs

1933       Arthur D. Wall, Denver

1932       Robert R. Williams, Pueblo

1931       Ralph E. Austin, La Junta

1930       E. P. Gallup, Denver

1929       E.I. Crockett, Pueblo

1928       John M. White, Boulder

1927       Thomas M. Welsh, Greeley

1926       Charles Bennett, Colorado Springs

1925       Horace G. Shaw, Fort Collins

1924       Harry Newcomb, Denver

1923       Perry Keen, Pueblo

1922       C.C. Cole, Denver

1921       L.F. Eppich, Denver 

CAR REALTOR® of the Year

Do You Want to Nominate Someone for CAR REALTOR OF THE YEAR?

Deadline for 2025 Nominations is July 18, 2025 – Please follow 2 Easy steps below.

  1. While nominations are accepted from anyone, we prefer the nomination form to be filled out by the AE or board president and have board approval. Have just one person fill out the Online Nomination Form.
  2. Submit at least 3 additional letters of recommendation and any photos or news clippings to [email protected].

Below are some of the criteria the committee will look at in making their selection.


Faithfulness and willingness to support the articles and principles designed to distinguish REALTORS® as professionals of real estate to others in the business as well as the general public. The candidate is not eligible until they are three years removed as CAR President (if they have served as CAR President). So in 2025, the candidate must have been President in 2022 or earlier. Candidates for “REALTOR® of the Year” must be an active REALTOR® Member of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® and actively engaged in the real estate business at the time of the award.

Member Board Activity
Activity through board office and committee work, special assignments, educational development or membership in a REALTOR® institute, society or council chapter.

State Association Activity
Involvement through elected or appointed positions, committee work and attendance of state business meetings as well as the pursuit of educational or professional designations.

National Association Activity
Recognized activity within the national structure through involvement in committees, task forces, or leadership roles.

Civic Activity
Local, state and national level participation in activities benefiting the public for example: service clubs, charitable organizations, political, fraternal or religious groups.

Business Accomplishments
Recognized good business conduct, utilizing REALTOR® principles to provide the best, competent service for clients. Although nominations from individual members are welcome, the selection committee strongly encourages nominations to be supported by the local board of directors and signed by the board president.


Voting is done privately by the REALTOR® of the Year Committee (normally in July). The last eight past ROTYs vote on the nominees with the chair only voting to break the tie. The Chair is the 5th senior member. If any of the last five “REALTORS® of the Year” is unable to serve, withdraws from the committee, or is no longer an active REALTOR® Member of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® actively engaged in the real estate business, the next most current eligible “REALTOR® of the Year” will serve as a member of the committee. The committee shall establish and promulgate rules for selection for candidates for consideration for the award.

2024 REALTOR® of the Year

Jarrod Nixon (left)- CAR 2024 REALTOR® of the Year is congratulated by Sandi Zimmerman the 2023 CAR ROTY.

Online ROTY Application (Filled out by AE)
Download the ROTY Application PDF

Questions? Email to Monica Panczer, or call 303-790-7099.

Past REALTORS® of the Year

2024     Jarrod Nixon, Durango

2023     Sandi Zimmerman, Castle Rock

2022      Ann Hayes, Grand Junction

2021       John Wendt, Glenwood Springs

2020       Evan Boenning, Aspen

2019        Bob Fullerton, Glenwood Springs

2018        Mary Ann Hinrichsen, Greenwood Village

2017        Bonnie Smith, Breckenridge

2016        Scott Matthias, Highlands Ranch

2015        George Harvey, Telluride

2014        Randy Reynolds, Colorado Springs

2013        Amy Dorsey, Beaver Creek

2012        Kit Cowperthwaite, Denver

2011        Greg Zadel, Firestone

2010        Bob Brown, Aurora

2009        Michael Labout, Colorado Springs

2008        Debbie Tamlin, Fort Collins

2007        Dennis L. Johnson, Breckenridge

2006        Larry Kendall, Fort Collins

2005        Vicki Burns, Craig

2004        Tom Schack, Lakewood

2003        Kevin Cook, Berthoud

2002        Bruce Wolf, Littleton

2001        Hal Walter, Colorado Springs

2000        Chris McElroy, Fort Collins

1999        Kay Watson, Littleton

1998        Gus Williams, Fort Collins

1997        Gary Jarrett, Evergreen

1996        Jerry McGuire, Littleton

1995        Donald Harlan, Englewood

1994        Gail Lyons, Boulder

1993        Wally Armistead, Longmont

1992        Mary Ellen Marx, Englewood

1991        Lonnie Brownlow, Alamosa

1990        Ron Myles, Denver

1989        Janet Scavo, Denver

1988        Harry Schack, Lakewood

1987        Alice Miller, Bayfield

1986        Kenneth J. Reyhons, Colorado Springs

1985        Ted Bryant, Lakewood

1984        John Dawson, Littleton

1983        Pat Richards, Denver

1982        James Gale, Grand Junction

1981        C. V. LeForce, Aurora

1980        Chester Grubin, Arvada

1979        Joseph Murphy, Greeley

1978        Joe Holloran, Pueblo

1977        Bill Moore, Denver

1976        Kenneth Weedin, Loveland

1975        James C. Berger, Colorado Springs

1974        C.G. “Neeley” Cozart, Denver

1973        Jeanette Grace, Aurora

1972        John Hasselblad, Denver

1971        Charles L. Rhoades, Ft.Collins

1970        Daniel Clinger, Denver

1969        W.R.”Bob” Bray,Grand Junction

1968        Joseph Toole, Colorado Springs

1967        J. Chalmers Ewing, Denver

1966        Hubert Ingels, Colorado Springs

1965        Robert T. Haver, Pueblo

1964        Wayne D. Phipps, Boulder

1963        James W. Knox, Denver

1962        Donald Weidman, Colorado Springs

1961        Harold J. Hurt, Denver

1960        Edward Kaufman, Pueblo

1959        Clarence J. Morrow, Denver

1958        Thomas J. Downen, Pueblo

1957        Floyd S. Padgett, Colorado Springs

1956        John R.P. Wheeler, Greeley

1955        W. Max Moore, Denver

1954        Van Holt Garrett, Denver

1953        Watson A. Bowes, Denver

1952        Thomas M. Welsh, Greeley

1951        Damian P. Ducy, Pueblo

1949        E. W. Ambrose, Denver

1945        N.A. Eyer, Colorado Springs

1941        F. G. Martinez, Fort Collins

1939        L. C. Fulenwider, Denver

1938        Frank R. Holloran, Pueblo

1934        R. E. Johnson, Colorado Springs

1932        Robert R. Williams, Pueblo

1931        Ralph E. Austin, La Junta

1928        John M. White, Boulder

1924        Harry Newcomb, Denver