Colorado Association of REALTORS | Colorado REALTORS®: We’ve got your back
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Colorado REALTORS®: We’ve got your back

You sell real estate, let us take care of you on the other side. We’ve got your back.


We know that being a REALTOR® member is a choice, and we’re grateful for your commitment to professionalism and property rights. CAR will continue to lead the way by investing in your business, fighting for your rights at the state capitol, and offering programs that help you succeed.


What other statewide organization is out there fighting for your real estate business and for homeownership rights? If the Colorado Association of REALTORS® ceases to exist, who is left to fight for you on the statewide level?

The Value of Your Membership

Last session, CAR’s advocacy efforts:

$462.2 Million

Saved property owners $462.2 million in property values by defeating proposed rent control bills.


Brought legislation that would save consumers and property owners around $23,000 in legal fees, protecting Coloradans from predatory business practices.


Killed a transfer tax that would have cost an additional $6,000 (based on an estimated 12 transactions at $250,000).


saved for REALTORS® by successfully amending legislation to protect brokers from frivolous litigation.

Thousands in Legal Costs

saved for REALTORS® by successfully advocating for removal of the real estate broker liability for new radon requirements.


Successfully modified legislation to ensure property owners could transition rental properties to the for-sale market without being subjected to mandatory relocation assistance to a tenant, potentially saving these property owners thousands of dollars.

3 Days

Protected buyers from a lengthy closing process by killing legislation that would make Colorado go from a table closing state to an escrow state. The proposal would have extended the closing process up to 3 days, also affecting contingency sales.


In 2022, 15 wildfire education programs across Colorado were made possible thanks to grants provided by Colorado Project Wildfire, a CAR effort to support wildfire education and mitigation programs in local communities.

Here are some other ways we’re working for you:


CAR’s Legal Hotline averages 36 calls per day, providing members of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® with direct access to an experienced real estate attorney who can offer information on real estate law and related matters, saving participating REALTORS® hundreds to thousands per year in attorney’s fees.


CAR’s Legal and Risk team processed 42 ethics complaints in 2022, furthering our commitment to professionalism and protecting consumers. They also processed six arbitration requests in 2022, giving REALTORS® a way to settle disputes without involving litigation that could cost thousands of dollars.


In an annual timeframe, CAR reaches more than 3,500 REALTORS® with virtual and in-person professional development and event offerings, some of which are completely free for members

1.8 Billion

CAR’s media exposure tops 1,500 publications annually, resulting in 1.8 billion consumer touches that reinforce REALTOR® professionalism, knowledge, and using a REALTOR® in real estate transactions.

$10 Million

In the last 30 years, the CAR Foundation has invested $10,158,289 in Colorado communities, touched more than 90,000 lives, provided aid to 541 households, and provided 16,000+ nights of shelter through philanthropic grantmaking, further establishing Colorado REALTORS® as good neighbors.


Any member who takes full advantage of the business tool discounts brokered by CAR Business Services can save more than $1,600 per year.

See The Value of Your Membership Flyer

Dues Increasing by $20


For the first time in nearly a decade, the Colorado Association of REALTORS’® leadership has voted to implement a permanent dues increase of $20 per member beginning in 2024.  So, what does this increase mean for you and why did the leadership team elect to do it?


A dues increase is a permanent increase to your statewide membership dues that is applied to help your state association fund the services we offer our members, including political advocacy, market trends, research, professional development, legal services, business services, and other member benefits. After a comprehensive financial analysis by a CAR Financial Sustainability Presidential Advisory Group (PAG), including the Finance Committee and members from across the state, the association’s leadership voted for a dues increase as the most prudent step to maximize the long-term benefit to our membership in the face of record inflation. Since our last permanent dues increase, we have watched expenses rise roughly 27%.*

*Inflationary percentages by year based on Forbes data.

Fiscal Responsibility

In addition to the work done by the PAG, the CAR staff has worked diligently to evaluate and begin implementation of several steps to help reduce expenses across administrative functions and vendor and service agreements. These recommendations and steps are designed to optimize CAR’s financial health and include:

  1. Reviewing travel policy for staff and leadership to ensure only those with roles relevant to the implementation of the event are attending and for only the time required to execute their responsibilities.
  2. Elimination of full-time Denver Government Affairs office to save on lease expenses.
  3. Update of association office administrative expenses, service contracts, and vendor agreements to reduce annual costs.
  4. Update of internal processes to streamline staff time and overall administrative expenses.
CAR Dues Increase Frequently Asked Questions

While we understand that it is never pleasant to have to face an increase in the cost of doing business, the Colorado Association of REALTORS® is committed to ensuring that you receive top-quality benefits as part of your association membership. If there is something you would like to see us add to our list of benefits, or have suggestions for additional courses and tools, please feel free to reach out to us.