Please remember to participate in the voting process as this is a big year for local elections. If you have questions regarding their voter registration, you can visit GoVoteColorado.com. Colorado voters will also decide on two statewide ballot measures:
Proposition CC:
Referred by the Colorado legislature to the 2019 ballot, Proposition CC
would remove revenue caps and allow the state to keep annual excess tax
revenues currently required to be refunded by the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights
(TABOR) to fund transportation, K-12 education, and higher education equally.
It is estimated that Prop CC would provide the state with an extra $310 million
in the 2020 fiscal budget year.
CARPAC voted to not support Prop CC, but instead leave the decision to our local boards to decide what’s best for their community. CAR has a long history of supporting transportation investments, especially as we continue to see positive growth around the state and the dire need for enhanced infrastructure systems to support the Colorado way of living we all cherish. We understand that good schools directly impact increased property values and strengthen our workforce. However, Colorado voters should have a voice in our state’s spending matters and the responsibility to choose the best option for our state.
Proposition DD:
Proposition DD creates a 10% tax on licensed casinos’ sports-betting to
fund the Colorado Water Plan. With the state’s increase in population and
continuing positive economic growth, it is critical that we invest in our
future water supply. This bipartisan proposal is expected to generate $29
million a year and will contribute to the development of additional storage and
improve efficiencies of water use across the state.
CARPAC voted to support Prop DD so Coloradans can continue to access clean and safe drinking water, enjoy outdoor recreation, and continue to support our farms, ranches, and wildlife.
Questions? Contact [email protected].