Colorado Association of REALTORS | 9 News: 3 Denver-area Couples Describe What It’s Like to Buy a Home in This Crazy Real Estate Market
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9 News: 3 Denver-area Couples Describe What It’s Like to Buy a Home in This Crazy Real Estate Market

May 10 2021

9 News: 3 Denver-area Couples Describe What It’s Like to Buy a Home in This Crazy Real Estate Market

“I’ve been a realtor through three ups and downs,” Boulder-area REALTOR Kelly Moye told 9 News. “I never thought I’d have to learn short sales and foreclosures. We went through that, I thought that was the hardest it’s ever been, but I’ve never really seen anything like this in my career.”

“As a buyer’s agent, when you’re representing a buyer, you have to protect their best interest, that’s our job,” she said.

“And it is really hard to tell them to waive all these rights,” she added. “Waive the right to ask the seller to make any repair. Waive the right to limit your purchase price based on the appraisal. Waive the right to do this or that and, inherently, those rights are there to help protect them. And you’re there to help protect them. So to give them the advice that they should spend all of their money on an appraisal gap, waive the inspection, don’t worry about the HOA docs… you’re conflicted inside, because you want to do your job right, you need to do your job right, but one would say – you’re not doing your job if you don’t get them a house, so you’re stuck.”

Read the full article on the 9 News website.

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