Capitol Connection – February 22, 2022
Legislative Advocacy this Week at the State Capitol
CAR is Working to Improve State Legislation
HB22-1007: Assistance Landowner Mitigation. The Colorado Association of REALTORS (CAR) is now in SUPPORT position after we received specific amendments to make the bill better by continuing the wildfire tax credit for individual landowners as an important part of the multi-pronged solution to address wildfire mitigation and prevention. It’s important to ensure that our individual homeowners and landowners remain an integral part of the solution and access to these grants and resources. And they are in high demand.
At CAR we work hard to implement proactive education and community awareness programs through Colorado Project Wildfire, a program created by CAR that is designed to help educate property owners about the importance of wildfire mitigation on their individual properties and guide access to available local resources to help them complete that mitigation.
Over the years we’ve presented to homeowner associations, facilitated tours of mitigated properties, funded chipping programs, facilitated community stakeholder conferences, and most recently presented to local school districts and kiddos on why property mitigation is so important. One of the number one questions we always get is: how can I as an individual or member of my family can do more and what resources are available to me to create defensible space.
And we have finally made great progress in helping many folks buy into the concept that creating defensible space is not clear-cutting, that in fact it can improve your property values and give you the opportunity to be part of wider community efforts to protect the lives of firefighters and emergency professionals in addition to protecting your property and being a good environmental steward.
HB22-1011: Wildfire Mitigation Incentives For Local Governments. CAR also is in support of this transformative legislation that furthers this really important work of engaging local communities, non-profits, and stakeholders to collaborate in wildfire mitigation and the creation of defensible space.
In the face of long-term wildfire risk, Colorado REALTORS® believe that education combined with monetary incentives, along with access to local resources, are the most effective ways to prevent the damages of wildfires that threaten lives and property. For close to a decade, as part of Colorado Project Wildfire, Colorado REALTORS® have partnered with the Colorado State Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Insurance Association, the National Fire Protection Association, and other like-minded fire prevention organizations and stakeholders operating localized programs across our state to help bring education, awareness, and access to resources directly to residents in our local communities to be part of the solution.
And we have sounded the alarm for several legislative sessions about the need to fund wildfire mitigation efforts substantially. Now the state is in a position to do this in a transformative way. No one wants to learn the lesson again about the next devastating wildfire in another Colorado community.
HB22-1102: Veterans And Military Status In Fair Housing. This bill prohibits discrimination against a person based on veteran or military status when showing, selling, transferring, leasing, or renting housing by adding veteran or military status as a basis of illegal housing discrimination to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA). Veteran or military status does not include an individual who was dishonorably discharged from military service.
CAR worked to amend the legislation to ensure that consumers have the ability to make legitimate decisions about housing transaction financing offers. We added an amendment that provides clarity that nothing in this bill would prohibit a seller of property from considering legitimate and nondiscriminatory factors when deciding whether to accept an offer such as selecting a type of financing that could be conventional or VA loan options. With this amendment the Legislative Policy Committee adopted a position of support.
In Case You Missed It
Learn More About Public Policy Issues
The real estate industry and its professionals are constantly adapting to not only national and local trends, but also to local laws and regulations. With constant changes in the legal status of both medical and recreational marijuana, there undoubtedly have been direct changes to real estate from these laws and related businesses. In this report, we examined the similarities and differences of effects from marijuana legality on various aspects of real estate, as well as any shifts from the last time the study was conducted in 2020.
Update on CAR Foundation donations for Wildfire Victims
Over Half a Million in Relief Funds Distributed to Fire Victims
To date, the CAR Foundation has given $560,831 to victims of the Marshall fire thanks to generous REALTORS®. More than 435 applications have been received and funds have been disbursed to 240 households that need mortgage and rental assistance. The deadline to apply for relief funds for those impacted by the fire is April 8. If you know any families who have not applied, please encourage them to do so. REALTORS® can continue to help Coloradans achieve safe and attainable housing, learn about homeownership, and receive housing-related disaster assistance by making a tax-deductible gift today.
RPAC Announcements
Early Bird Major Investors
Let’s start 2022 off strong by making your pledge to become a 2022 Major Investor. As an RPAC Major Investor, you are part of an elite and passionate group of REALTORS® whose investments shape the political future of the real estate industry. If you commit to being a 2022 Major Investor today, you will receive a limited-edit REALTOR® Party Coaster (set of 2) and your Major Investor pin from NAR.

2022 REALTOR® Party Coaster
*Available to Major Investors that complete their investment or fulfill $300 of their pledge in January through March.