Colorado Association of REALTORS | FCBR Raises $6,000+ in Gift Card Donations for Flood Victims
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FCBR Raises $6,000+ in Gift Card Donations for Flood Victims

FCBR Raises $6,000+ in Gift Card Donations for Flood Victims

Fort Collins Board of REALTORS® Raises Over $6,000 in Gift Card Donations for Colorado Flood Victims

To meet the diverse and expansive needs of recent flood victims, the Fort Collins Board of REALTORS® Community Outreach Committee in partnership with Serve 6.8, conducted a three week gift card and fundraising campaign to benefit evacuees who would need immediate and long-term help in rebuilding their homes and lives, and to assist those who need help with every day necessities.

The call to action to FCBR’s members raised over $4,000 total in gift card donations from Target, King Soopers, Wal-Mart, and Home Depot in addition to Board member’s donations made through An additional generous cash match was made by ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Ben Fletcher from Modern Woodman of America for $2,500. “We felt it important to give back to those affected by the floods. When something of this magnitude hits our community, it affects us all. It’s important for us at Modern Woodman of America to help those who are unable to help themselves.” said Ben.

FCBR Board Chair, Francie Martinez, said, “We are more than happy to help with the gift card campaign. It is something that can easily be coordinated on our end to have an immediate impact to help those who need assistance right away. We are fortunate to have so many generous members who know and understand the importance of preserving and helping our community and those with housing needs. We are grateful to the members who coordinated this effort to work on behalf of those in need.”

When it is all said and done, FCBR’s Gift Card Donation and Fund Relief Campaign will have assisted hundreds of evacuees with flood relief in Northern Colorado and the surrounding areas. All gift cards and monetary donations were presented to Serve 6.8 on Friday who in return, applauded FCBR’s dedication, time, and commitment to the community and its citizens.

fcbrFCBR would like to thank the Community Outreach Committee for their time and dedication to this project over the last few weeks and a special ‘Thank You!’ to our members – without your help and donations, this project would not have been the successthat it is. THANK YOU!!




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