Colorado Association of REALTORS | Support Colorado Wildfire Victims – Donate to the CAR Foundation Fire Relief Fund
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Support Colorado Wildfire Victims – Donate to the CAR Foundation Fire Relief Fund

Aug 12 2024

Support Colorado Wildfire Victims – Donate to the CAR Foundation Fire Relief Fund

Although wildland firefighters are still fighting active fires and authorities have only begun to assess the damage left behind by the Alexander Mountain Fire, Stone Canyon Fire, Lake Shore Fire, Quarry Fire, and others, we now know dozens of homes have been destroyed, leaving Colorado families scrambling to find a place to live. In response, Colorado Association of REALTORS® Foundation has voted to release disaster relief funding for mortgage and rental relief grants to victims of Colorado’s summer 2024 wildfires. Grants will provide eligible applicants up to $2,000 of assistance per household impacted by the recent fires.

But more help is needed. If you haven’t already, please consider making a tax-deductible financial contribution to the CAR Foundation.

Again, we thank you for the outpouring of care, generosity, and desire to lend aid to your fellow Coloradans in need. Please share this message and link widely with your network.

Application Process Now Open to Displaced Residents

Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified applicants. Qualified applicants are victims of the Alexander Mountain Fire, Stone Canyon Fire, Lake Shore Fire, or any victims of a Colorado wildfire in 2024 who have been displaced from their primary residence, based upon certain qualifications. The funds must be used for one of the following: 

  • Monthly mortgage expense for the primary residence that was damaged by the wildfire disaster; or
  • Rental cost due to displacement from the primary residence resulting from the wildfire disaster. 

Grants are for housing relief only; other expenses including second mortgages (home equity lines or loans), hotel/motel expenses, clothing, appliances, equipment, vehicle purchase, vehicle rental, vehicle repair and or mileage are ineligible. Proof of residency (driver’s license or utility bill showing address of damaged property) and proof of damage (photos and insurance claim/contractor estimate) are required.

Grant details and access to the online application process are available at: Application requests will be accepted until September 6, 2024. A panel of local professionals will review and verify the applications and supporting documents with relief checks issued weekly.

We will continue our work to provide additional resources and financial support to the victims of the 2024 wildfires. 

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