Colorado Association of REALTORS | Get Involved
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Get Involved

Get Involved in Your State Association

Get Involved at CAR

CAR Elections

CAR Officer Applications

Please also note the following per CAR Credentials policy approved by the Board of Directors:

  • Applications for CAR elected positions will not be accepted after the deadline.
  • Nominations will not be accepted from the floor for any position
  • All District-elect candidate forums will be held during their respective CAR District Forums at the Spring Business Meetings.
  • The candidate forum for CAR Chair-Elect, Treasurer and NAR Directors will be held during the CAR Board of Directors meeting during the CAR Spring Business Meetings.
  • Only candidates who have passed both credentials and a background check will be submitted to the CAR Board of Directors during the CAR Spring Business Meetings.
  • All campaign materials must be approved by the CAR CEO before it can be distributed.

Credentials Policy

We strongly encourage you to review the Credentials Manual for the current criteria for each CAR Leadership position before you apply following are the positions open for election:


  • Chair-elect
  • Treasurer
  • District Chair-Elects- (Metro, Mountain, Northeast, Southeast, Western)
  • NAR Directors – If you have questions please contact CAR.
Download the Credentials Policy

Volunteer for a Committee

Participating on a committee provides you with the opportunity to test and expand your leadership skills as well as increase your professional contacts. CAR has numerous committees, task forces, and work groups that you can lend your experiences.


  • April 1: Committee application opens on website and members submit a committee application
  • July 1: Committee application closes
  • September 4: Applicants will be notified by email of their appointments
  • October 14-16: CAR Leadership Symposium: Featuring leadership training, including Committee Transition meetings and training.
  • December 1: New committees are formed and incoming Leadership takes their positions.
Volunteer for a Committee

Help us shape the future of CAR. Apply to be on a Committee Advisory Group (PAG). There are no PAGs currently accepting applications.

Political Advocacy

If real estate is your career then politics is your business. Did you know that each year REALTOR® associations advocate on REALTORS® and consumers behalf to promote private property rights and protect business interests of REALTORS®? You can get involved by answering calls to actions, volunteer on one of CAR’s political committees and by donating to REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC).

Learn More about Political Advocacy

Benefits of Being a REALTOR®

Being a REALTOR® has its advantages! Through a three-way agreement the local, state and national association of REALTORS® provides numerous programs, products and services to help their members distinguish themselves in the competitive industry of real estate and be more successful in their business.

Take Advantage of Your REALTOR® Benefits