Capitol Connection: February 15, 2019
House Bill 19-1011 Scope of Manufactured Homes Sales Tax Exemption
Current law defines manufactured housing as factory-built residential structures designed to be installed on a permanent foundation. This definition limits the sales tax exemption, which previously applied to structures designed for occupancy in either temporary or permanent locations. HB19-1011 clarifies the scope and changes the definition to that of a manufactured home to include both modular and manufactured homes, homes designed to be installed on either temporary or permanent foundations.
CAR’s Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) supports this legislation because Colorado faces an affordable housing crisis due to a limited supply of diverse housing options. Manufactured homes can act as one solution to provide an affordable housing unit due to their lower manufacturing costs and the opportunity to partake in a state tax exemption as provided in this legislation. This is a good step forward to help all Coloradans have the opportunity of homeownership. HB19-1011 has made it through both legislative chambers successfully and will be prepared for the Governor’s signature in the coming weeks.
House Bill 19-1015 Recreation of the Colorado Water Institute
The Colorado Water Institute (CWI) is an affiliate of Colorado State University (CSU) under the supervision and control of the University Administration and the Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System. CWI coordinates research efforts with local, state and national agencies and organizations, and works closely with researchers, scientists and the private sector to provide research and policy analysis that assists and informs Colorado policy makers, water managers and users. CWI and the Advisory Committee on Water Research Policy automatically repealed on July 1, 2017. HB19-1015 recreates the institute and advisory committee in state law until July 1, 2029.
REALTORS® recognize that one of the most important elements of our quality of life is the protection of the environment, including water. Therefore, CAR’s Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) supports this legislation and the work of CWI as a means to provide education, research and analysis on evolving water concerns faced by Colorado citizens. HB19-1015 has successfully made it through the legislative process and will be prepared for the Governor’s signature in the coming weeks.
House Bill 19-1135 Clarify Income Tax Credit for Retrofitting a Home
In the 2018 legislative session, House Bill 18-1267 became law and as of January 1, 2019, taxpayers can claim a state income tax credit for a portion of qualified costs incurred while retrofitting their residence for the purpose of improving accessibility, increasing visitability or allowing qualified individuals to age in place.
HB19-1135 extends the income tax credit to be available for changes made to a residence that benefit a qualified individual or the qualified individual’s dependent. The bill defines a qualified individual as an individual with a family income at or below $150,000 in the 2019 tax year, with adjustments for inflation for each income tax year following. CAR’s Legislative Policy Committee (LPC) supports this legislation because aging in place and making modifications to a home reduce the more expensive options of in-home care. This bill also continues to prioritize homeownership for our most vulnerable populations. CAR is happy to share that this morning, HB19-1135 passed third reading on the House Floor and will now head to the Senate.
CAR’s 50-State Research Aims to Identify Nation’s Most Innovative Housing Solutions
The Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR) completed a 50-state research analysis, designed to identify the most innovative and successful programs being implemented to address the full spectrum of housing issues facing communities across the United States including low-income populations, workforce housing, first-time homebuyers, and senior citizens.
From affordability and product type to inventory needs, CAR’s research set out to help identify what state and local governments, public and private businesses, and individual communities are doing to tackle a broad range of issues impacting nearly every state. The analysis revealed distinct common attributes of the most successful programs that included bold, innovative, out-of-the-box thinking to address housing shortages, as well as a clear cooperation and participation in program implementation from the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors to address the full spectrum of housing issues. Read full report here.
Act Now! Cañon City Needs Your Vote This Weekend!
Cañon City, Colorado was just named as one of the top six finalists in the running to win $500,000 revitalization grant for six of its small businesses and to be featured on season four of “The Small Business Revolution” series on HULU. Cañon City is the only Colorado city left in the competition. Please reach out to all of your networks and email lists because Cañon City needs your votes.
If Cañon City wins, the state of Colorado wins. Please vote once per day per email address at www.votecolorado.us. Voting ends at 7 p.m. MST on Tuesday, February 19th. The winner will be announced at the end of February.
50th Anniversary of RPAC
This year marks 50 years of RPAC’s work to advance the American dream of homeownership. Nationally, RPAC has grown from just 300 REALTORS® investing $28,000 to more than 98,000 REALTORS® investing over $36.5 million.
The purpose of RPAC is to support candidates that support REALTOR® issues. Our goal is to elect pro-REALTOR® candidates at the local, state, and federal levels – candidates that share our support for homeownership, protect property rights, and who will listen to our concerns. Investing in RPAC is one of the easiest things you can do to protect your business. Our goal raise funds to continue to support Colorado’s REALTOR® champions and ensure we achieve the policy outcomes necessary to protect property rights. Click here to invest today!