Colorado Association of REALTORS | New Opportunity Zone Grant Available
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New Opportunity Zone Grant Available

Jul 30 2019

New Opportunity Zone Grant Available

The REALTOR® Party is launching a new grant program aimed at helping REALTOR® associations become the community leaders by hosting an informational and planning meeting about Opportunity Zones to highlight ways in which your community can make the most of them.

NAR Grant applications will be accepted through Monday, September 9th and must be used and reimbursement applied for by December 15, 2019. 

Grants are intended to fund speakers, tours of the Opportunity Zones in your area and smaller amounts allowed for venue and food (limit $1,000 for venue and $1,000 for food). Only 30 grants are available on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis. Grants cannot be used to create materials to market Opportunity Zones.

More information, including a full program description and the online application is available here.

If you have any questions, please contact NAR staff, Hugh Morris, at [email protected] or 202-383-1278.

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