Colorado Association of REALTORS | Free Webinar: Discover the Painless Rules to Paying Less Tax
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Free Webinar: Discover the Painless Rules to Paying Less Tax

Jan 13 2020

Free Webinar: Discover the Painless Rules to Paying Less Tax

The vast majority of self-employed people are hoodwinked by the complicated tax system – a pricey mistake costing thousands per year… IRS expert Sandy Botkin, reveals the savings blueprint that’ll lower taxes and increase cash… 100% guaranteed!

Despite having some of the most business-friendly tax cuts in history, most self-employed people are still unknowingly paying too much in taxes.

Don’t get me wrong, you’ve likely seen a reduction in your tax rate…

But, by my estimate, a staggering 95% of owners are still paying too much in taxes by a lot!

…And the IRS is happily cashing our checks. It’s like they consider it a “donation” and they DEFINITELY aren’t contacting businesses to inform them that with a little forethought they could have qualified for some easy deductions.

Why do the majority of business owners overpay? The answer – an illusion, of sorts.Let me explain…If you’re like any of the thousands of businesses I met with last year, you’re totally confused by our tax system. Admit it, just thinking about taxes makes you feel overwhelmed. You use words like painful, complicated, annoying, injustice, and frustration to describe taxes. You’re not alone. You don’t have time, let alone the interest, to try to follow the numbers on your tax return.And that’s okay – you’re busy running your business.So unfortunately, most business owners don’t think about taxes until tax time. Then they delegate the responsibility to a tax preparer or they slog through an online tax filing software like TurboTax and hope they get everything they deserve.But what if I told you that saving money on your taxes are not nearly as complicated as you’ve been led to believe. Not only that, but you, along with 95% of other business owners, are looking at the entire process of tax minimization all wrong.

What if the complexity is just an illusion?

Don’t get me wrong, filing your taxes is a hot mess of complicated and complex forms and formulas that need to be used. But behind all the smoke and mirrors of tedious formulas and long tax forms that need to be filed, (by your accountant, not you), taxes are not as complicated as they appear.The fact is, YOU, the owner of the business, can have a bigger impact on your tax bill than your tax accountant can… IF you bypass all the complicated stuff and learn the simple basics of how the tax game is either won or lost.

Join us for a FREE training, taught by former IRS attorney, Sandy Botkin.

Come learn the common sense steps that’ll make sure you dramatically lower your taxes for the rest of your life. Then learn how you can keep those savings to help build your wealth.

Join us for this FREE Webinar!
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 12:00 pm MST

Click here to register now

If you want to start saving money on taxes, the time to start using these strategies, NOW!

You will learn:

  • 3 simple strategies to put in place that can save you a TON of money every single year
  • Some HUGE money-saving opportunities that become available when you put your company’s tax strategy first
  • How to qualify MORE of your mileage as business mileage making it deductible
  • How you can write off 100% of your family’s medical expenses after a 15-minute phone call
  • How your kids can pay for their own soccer, music lessons, and video games with tax-free income by simply hiring them part-time
  • 4 powerful tools available to you that can help put your tax savings on auto-pilot

When you attend the live webinar Taxbot will send you a digital copy of “Crack the Code”

This eBook will help you to understand how the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” impacts your individual tax return.

Join us for this FREE Webinar!Date: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at
12:00 pm MST

Click here to register

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