Colorado Association of REALTORS | Updated REALTOR® Guidance – April 27, 2020
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Updated REALTOR® Guidance – April 27, 2020

Apr 28 2020

Updated REALTOR® Guidance – April 27, 2020

A lot of you are asking, can I show property in my area? The answer to that question depends on the county in which you live and work. While the state Order has transitioned to a Safer at Home policy that provides guidance for real estate showings (see the full Public Health Order 20-28), some counties have opted to extend their stay-at-home orders that may impact your ability to provide showings. These local health orders supersede the state’s Safer at Home mandates and guidelines which went into effect today. We highly encourage every REALTOR® to become familiar with the restrictions within their individual local/county executive orders and what it means for their real estate business.

We will continue to monitor and communicate with you about changes and/or additions to the executive orders in our state. In the meantime, if you have specific questions about your area, we encourage you to contact your local REALTOR® Association and your local government affairs teams for further definition on the restrictions in your area of the state. As you know, CAR does not work directly with individual counties across the state on local/county executive orders. CAR will continue to support its 32 local associations however, direct advocacy at the county/municipal level is best managed by local associations in your respective jurisdiction.


CAR’s COVID-19 Information Portal

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