Colorado Association of REALTORS | first time home buyers
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Results for: first time home buyers

Market Trends Image Depicting Statewide Listings

Colorado median sales prices rise 10 percent in 2016

Market playing out low inventory, high demand theme. While the median price of a Colorado home remained flat in December 2016 at $315,000, buyers and sellers experienced a 10 percent increase in the median sales price over the course of the year, according to the latest statewide housing report from the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR). With a median sales...

Capitol Connection – May 2016

Sine Die! Wednesday, May 11th, the final gavel came down on the second session of the 70th General Assembly.  In total, 789 bills were introduced.  CAR tracked 65 bills this year and took a position on 37 of them.  A split Legislature this year with Republicans controlling the Senate and Democrats controlling the House meant every bill sent to the...

New Listings and Sales Improve From March to April

Weak inventory challenging to both buyers and sellers. There were more new listings and sales of both single-family homes and condominiums/townhouses in Colorado in April than in March but both categories still lagged significantly behind a year ago according to statistics announced today by the Colorado Association of REALTORS (CAR). Single-family home listings increased 11 percent to 10,725 and sales...

Capitol Connection – April 2016

Senate Concurrent Resolution 004: Real Estate Transfer Tax For Affordable Housing. We are happy to report that SCR16-004, Real Estate Transfer Tax for Affordable Housing sponsored by Senator Ulibarri (D-Commerce City) died in committee on April 20th. The LPC opposed this bill and CAR gave testimony against the legislation in the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committee hearing. This...

Inventory a Problem as Buying Season Approaches

A third consecutive month of increases in the number of homes coming onto the market in February was not significant in impacting the overall inventory of homes statewide which hit a six-year low.  The number of single-family homes added to the market in February (6,938) was an increase of 11 percent over January but still 4 percent below February 2015. ...