Colorado Association of REALTORS | first time home buyers
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Results for: first time home buyers

Congressman Coffman Introduces Federal Version of CO’s First Time Homebuyer Bill

CAR’s First-time Homebuyer Savings Act Tax Deduction, recently signed into law by Governor Hickenlooper on June 10th, is garnering nationwide attention as Congressman Coffman introduced a federal version of this bill on Friday. CAR championed legislation creates first-time homebuyer savings accounts which allows a tax deduction for account holders on the interest earned on these accounts. A First-time Homebuyer Savings...

First Time Homebuyer Savings Account Act Passes Legislature

CAR is very pleased to announce that the First Time Homebuyer Savings Account Act passed the Legislature Tuesday morning after the State Senate gave the bill it’s final approval.  CAR extends its deepest gratitude to House Majority Leader Crisanta Duran, Representative Joe Salazar, Senate Majority Leader Mark Scheffel and Senator Beth Martinez-Humenik for their sponsorship of HB-1467, and for their...

Home Sales Improve During First Quarter of 2016

Steadily Rising Prices Making Homes Less Affordable For Some. During the first quarter of 2016 (January, February and March) most areas of Colorado saw an increase in the number of both single-family homes and condominiums/townhouses sold compared to the same time period in 2015.  The 15,742 single-family homes sold were an increase of 5 percent over the first quarter of...

Fewer Homes Sold In Colorado in October

Prices leveling out while inventory remains a significant challenge Fewer Colorado homes were sold statewide in October, the fourth consecutive month of declining home sales according to market statistics released today by the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR).  The 6,965 single-family homes sold last month were 10 percent fewer than September and 23 percent fewer than the year’s peak number...

Home Sales Decline Second Consecutive Month

Single-family home prices down 3 percent for summer months. Fewer homes were sold in Colorado during August, the second consecutive month this year to see declining sales, according to market statistics released today by the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR). The 10,657 properties sold last month represent an 8 percent decrease over July. From June through August of this year...

Home Sales Decline During July

After six consecutive months of steady movement upward, sales of single-family homes declined 4 percent to 8,700 and condominium/townhouse sales were down 2 percent to 2,761 compared to June.  Even so, those figures compare very favorably to July 2014 (+5 percent for single-family and +13 percent for condominiums/townhouses).  A drop in home sales at this time of year is common,...