Colorado Association of REALTORS | CARConvention14
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CARConvention14 Tag

The Convention Experience, By Leanne Goff

As my third year of CAR convention approaches I reflect on my first year and doors that have opened to me since getting involved. That first time that I took the drive to Denver to see what convention was all about was admittedly a bit overwhelming. I was like a deer in the headlights! There were so many organizations, affiliates,...

10 Powerful Ways to Use RPR

Realtors Property Resource gives REALTORS® exclusive access to the most accurate valuation estimate tools available. With RPR, you have the means to combat Internet misinformation and demonstrate the value of accurate information and in-depth analytics with the expertise that only you, as a REALTOR® can provide.   Attend this EXCLUSIVE RPR training session at the 2014 CAR Convention, and you’ll leave armed with a...