Colorado Association of REALTORS | Xcel Energy
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Xcel Energy Tag

Air Conditioning Technician. manometers measuring equipment for filling air conditionersgauges.Tools for HVAC

5 Residential HVAC-Related Resolutions for the New Year

Article Provided by Xcel Energy.   When heading into a new year, many people make resolutions to get themselves or their finances in tip-top shape. Why not set some resolutions to get your house in better shape this year? Here are five HVAC-related resolutions for you to consider in 2019.   Schedule an annual preventive maintenance tune-up A check up on your furnace...

HomeSmart from Xcel Energy red and black logo

4 Heating Mistakes To Avoid This Winter

Xcel Energy wants to help your clients manage their energy dollars and increase their home’s comfort this winter with four easy ways to help avoid common home-heating mistakes. Share these tips with your current sellers and buyers to make sure their home is ready for the cold weather season ahead of time.   Cranking up the thermostat to quickly heat...

Rocking Chairs in front of a house with brick walls and green shutters.

AC Tips and Welcome Home Coverage

  A good home appliance repair and replacement plan can save a new home buyer many headaches—and dollars—when a home appliance breaks, without breaking their wallet.  As Coloradoans head into the dog days of summer, never has this been more critical than with a home’s central air conditioning system.  However, in order to try and prevent a breakdown in the middle...

Xcel Energy Policy Change

Colorado REALTORS(R)  may be accustomed to calling Xcel Energy to obtain average energy data for properties they will be listing. Because of the growing sensitivity around privacy and security issues, beginning Feb. 1, 2014, Xcel Energy will no longer provide this information to anyone other than the person who pays the energy bill for the property.   You may contact the seller...