Denver City Council Approves Plan for New Neighborhood at Elitch Gardens Site
DENVER — The Denver City Council has approved a new long-term development plan for downtown Denver and it includes a new neighborhood.
The council heard public comment before voting to unanimously approve a plan that would allow for future changes and development at the current site of Elitch Gardens, the Pepsi Center, and surrounding parking lots. The formal title is the “Downtown Area Plan” with tweaks to the Central Platte Valley – Aurora District.
Revesco Properties, which owns Elitch Gardens and the surrounding land around it, wants to reimagine the area to include more housing options, hotels and outdoor spaces.
However, the changes will mean that the amusement park would need to be relocated eventually.
Now that the plan has approval of the city, a spokesperson for Revesco says the next step to building River Mile is zoning. That project is expected to take place in phases, including originally building a parking garage and developing on former parking lots before eventually moving Elitch’s at a later date.
For the full article, please visit The Denver Channel by clicking here.