Colorado Association of REALTORS | CAR Leadership
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CAR Leadership

Meet Your CAR Leadership
Dana Cottrell
Dana Cottrell
Molly Eldridge
Molly Eldridge
Aline Pitney
Aline Pitney
Jason Witt
Jason Witt
Immediate Past President
David Barber
David Barber
Appointed Past President
Tyrone Adams
Tyrone Adams
Chief Executive Officer
Breezy Obletz-Kingery
Breezy Obletz-Kingery
Western District Vice President
Myra Smallwood
Myra Smallwood
Southeast District Vice President
Sean Dougherty
Sean Dougherty
Northeast District Vice President
Crissy Rumford
Crissy Rumford
Mountain District Vice President
Jessica Reinhardt
Jessica Reinhardt
Metro District Vice President
Janet Marlow
Janet Marlow
Government Affairs Division Vice President
Brian Anzur
Brian Anzur
Member Services Division Vice President
Courtney Peel
Courtney Peel
Legal and Risk Division Vice President
Sarah Thorsteinson
Sarah Thorsteinson
Association Executive Representative
CAR Leadership Directory