Colorado Association of REALTORS | BizWest: High Country Rising From a Fiery Fall
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BizWest: High Country Rising From a Fiery Fall

Dec 03 2020

BizWest: High Country Rising From a Fiery Fall

Communities in the path of the four wildfires, that burned hundreds of thousands of acres this past fall, including the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome fires, are slowly recovering. The fires destroyed or damaged hundreds of homes, leaving families displaced and in need of assistance.

BizWest notes the CAR Foundation was awarded a $100,000 grant from the National Association of Realtors’ Realtor Relief Foundation to help individuals and families affected by the fires in Larimer, Boulder and Grand counties. Qualified applicants can receive up to $1,000 to be used exclusively for a monthly mortgage expense on a primary residence or rental housing cost due to displacement in a fire area. Those interested in applying can find more information here.

Local businesses have also been heavily impacted by the fires, many of which have been hammered due to the economic effects of the coronavirus.

Adam Shake, executive director of the Estes Park Economic Development Corp., told BizWest that the EDC sent a survey recently to nearly 700 businesses regarding how the fires had affected them and got 88 replies back. He said the results showed “83% of businesses suffered some sort of economic impact because of the fires. Of those, most of the economic impact was in the $10,000 to $15,000 range as far as lost revenue. A bunch of them lost less than $5,000.”

Read the full article.

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