Colorado Association of REALTORS | wildfires
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wildfires Tag

Wildland Fire Strategy/Convening Group Event Flyer

Wildfire Preparedness: National Cohesive Wildland Fire Strategy Discussion

The Colorado Association of REALTORS® is proud to support the ongoing efforts and discussions taking place around Wildfire education, mitigation, safety and recovery for the residents throughout our state. As a part of our long-term commitment to work with local, state and federal agencies and organizations on these important issues, including our own Colorado Project Wildfire initiatives, we are proud to...

Panoramic View of the High Park Wildfire in the Colorado Rocky Mountains

6 Trends to Know about Fire Season in the Western U.S.

Lately, it feels like we’re hearing about wildfires erupting in the western United States more often. But how have wildfire occurrences changed over the decades?   Researchers with the NASA-funded Rehabilitation Capability Convergence for Ecosystem Recovery (RECOVER) have analyzed more than 40,000 fires from Colorado to California between 1950 to 2017 to learn how wildfire frequency, size, location, and a few other traits have...

CAR Foundation

California Wildfire, CAR Foundation Disaster Relief Request 11/26/18

California Wildfire CAR Foundation Disaster Relief Request 11/26/18   [caption id="attachment_29023" align="aligncenter" width="488"] Charred truck in front of home burned to the ground in the recent wildfire fire storm in Redding, California. Smoke and ash in the air as the fire continues to burn several miles away.[/caption]   Dear REALTOR® Family,   The wildfires in California have caused massive destruction and destroyed the lives of many people. ...

A wildfire burns in a fir and aspen forest.

Wildfires in Colorado: The Overwhelming Effects and Costs and How REALTORS® Aim to Help

Across the country, wildfires have caused devastation and distress for years. In addition to the destruction they bring upon communities, fires can cost millions in restoration over the course of many years. Headwaters Economics recently published a report that analyzed the cost of several fires across the country. The report looked at 8 major wildfires in four states through 2016, including...

Wildfire burning through a wooded area

Volunteers Help Seniors And People With Disabilities Protect Property From Wildfires

As a part of the Colorado Association of REALTORS® Project Wildfire campaign, REALTOR® volunteers from Summit County spent Thursday helping local residents — specifically seniors and homeowners with physical disabilities — to clear slash from their properties and help protect these properties from future wildfire risk through mitigation and the creation of defensible space around their homes.   Officials throughout the state’s firefighting and public...

Colorado Project Wildfire – Success Stories

In the face of long-term, ongoing wildfire risks, the Colorado Association of REALTORS® (CAR) launched Project Wildfire, an education program designed to help reduce and/or prevent the destruction of land and property, injuries, and loss of life by raising awareness of and access to wildfire mitigation resources.  With 25,000-plus REALTOR® members spread across the state, CAR and its members are...

A wildfire burns in a fir and aspen forest.

Durango Wildfire Program & VBR REALFire Program

Durango Wildfire Assistance   Those affected by the 416 Fire near Durango are in need of monetary donations, food and household items, and animal-related donations. The Durango Area Association of REALTORS® (DAAR) is working in partnership with area relief organizations, and recently collected nearly 325 lbs of food for the Durango Food Bank as well as monetary donations to assist evacuees.   As of June 19,...

Wildfire in Colorado

416 Fire in Durango: How to Help, Update from DAAR, How to Receive Assistance

Hello from smokey Durango, and thank you so much for your kind words, support, outreach, and concern for our precious community. We truly appreciate all the outreach.   I wanted to take a moment to update you all on how Durango is holding up through this crisis and what DAAR is doing to help.   It was an active week for the fire, with...

A wildfire burns in a fir and aspen forest.

The Beginnings and Mission of the Disaster Relief Program

The Beginnings and Mission of the Disaster Relief Program       Colorado is a wonderful state to live in. Between experiencing all four seasons, to the mountains and the forests, we are surrounded by beauty here. But no matter how great our state is, natural disasters don’t play favorites in deciding where they occur. Fortunately, REALTORS® have a program that is ready to...

Wildfire Mitigation Task Force Announcement

In September 2013, the Wildfire Insurance and Forest Health Task Force issued an 80 page report to Governor Hickenlooper outlining concerns and recommendations regarding how to best protect citizens who live in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), and protect Colorado’s landscape, which is a critical element of the State’s economic health. Their findings also brought to light related issues of water...